Reduce infamy victoria 2
Reduce infamy victoria 2

even if the regular Great War system has not been activated. Once you reach above a certain level of infamy, you gain notoriety as an international pariah- and eventually an AI great power will give you an ultimatum: dismantle your empire or suffer the consequences. So the Infamy Wars system attempts to address that. so what? It won't reduce their infamy (meaning more countries will simply gangpile upon them), and doesn't do anything more than force them to pay reparations and disarm their military (so long as the bug which prevents that disarmament from happening if they're still at war with someone else doesn't pop up). Not only that, even if the player did manage to have someone attack and successfully enforce the Containment wargoal. The AI will be too frightened to do anything about it, and any wars the player gets into will be restricted to single opponents unless he's very unlucky. So once a player has sufficient military strength they can effectively ignore the infamy limit entirely. Even if they did seek out allies, those other allies might very well refuse to join in on such a war because they personally do not stack up against the opponent, even if together the allies might stand a chance. but will they? Often the AI is reticent to attack someone who is militarily more powerful than itself, and it there is no such thing as seeking out allies to attack. The problem with the Infamy system in Vanilla Victoria II is simple: once you raise above the 25 infamy barrier, other great powers are free to attack you with the Containment wargoal. A World War 1 American propaganda poster.

Reduce infamy victoria 2